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Re: How to deal with new mail?


> To get mutt to check all of the mboxes that can have new mail in them, 
> you have to list ALL of them in the mailboxes command. For example, if 
> your procmail script can deliver mail to "family", "friends", "mutt", 
> and "work" folders, you would need a mailboxes line something like 
> this:
>      set folder="$HOME/mail"
>      mailboxes =family =friends =mutt =work =
>                ^       ^        ^     ^     ^-- $folder
>                |       |        |     `-------- $folder/work
>                |       |        `-------------- $folder/mutt
>                |       `----------------------- $folder/friends
>                `------------------------------- $folder/family
> Then mutt will check all of those folders for new mail. They won't be 
> displayed in the status-bar, but you will be notified of new mail just 
> below the status bar. Also, as Vladimir said, you can press '.' 
> (period) to get the list, or, after pressing 'c' to change folders, 
> you can press '?' to show just the mailboxes that have new mail (this 
> is known as the "buffy list").

I did set up my .muttrc now like this:

mailboxes /var/mail/benni =freunde =kassette =listmutt =lists =mbox
=root =sent =uni

As I wrote to Vladimir, pressing '.' does nothing, and I don't get any
notification about new mail below the status bar. 
Pressing c? works, but I get a list with all folders, even if I didn't
specify them as mailboxes, and not just those with new mail.
Seems like I misconfigured something?

> When changing folders (i.e. after you've pressed 'c'), the first 
> mailbox (that you've told mutt to check, via the 'mailboxes' command) 
> that has new mail in it is listed as a suggestion. Pressing space will 
> cycle to the next one, provided that 1) you've specified multiple 
> mailboxes and 2) another of them has new mail in it.

I wish I could get this to work...
I have several mailboxes that are specified as mailboxes and have new
mail in them, but all I get when I press c is

"Öffne Mailbox (für eine Liste '?' eingeben):" (it's german... "Open
mailbox (press '?' for a list") or something similar to that)
and if I press space after that it says
"Öffne Mailbox: " ("Open mailbox: ")
I repeated pressing space several times, but mutt didn't cycle to the
next one. Nothing happened.

> Hope that makes things a little clearer for you,
> ~Kyle

Than you! Yes, it's getting clearer. I just have to get it working
