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Re: Leopard Migration Hammered Mutt

* Eugene <list-mutt@xxxxxxxx> [2008-01-27 21:18 -0600]:

So basically add the line ". /sw/bin/init.sh" into your ~/.profile or
~/.bash_profile init files.  This should add /sw/bin to your PATH, and
set up other Fink-related environment variables as well.

All the explanations have been helpful. The only thing I'd add is an explanation that the line
. /sw/bin/init.sh

is a shortcut telling the shell to execute the script /sw/bin/init.sh
(which has to have execute permission). The shell commands in init.sh
get executed and change your path.
The leading '.' is easy to miss, but it's a common usage in shell
Breen Mullins
Menlo Park, California