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Re: Delete messages based on size of maildir

On 20:52 Tue 07 Aug     , Rado S wrote:
> =- John K Masters wrote on Tue  7.Aug'07 at 19:30:32 +0100 -=
> > I am fairly new to Mutt and probably going about this in totally
> > the wrong way but I have set up muttrc to delete messages after a
> > certain score has been reached. Some messages never get deleted
> > due to adding to the scores but most mail-list messages get
> > deleted after 3 months. However, some lists are very low volume
> > and I would like to keep all their posts. Is there any way to
> > score a message according to which list it belongs to?
> AFAIK "score" uses the same "Patterns" as other commands, check the
> list in the Patterns section to get ideas.

Sorry, didn't explain fully. Yes I can score on to: or cc: but can I for
example score according to the number of messages in a mailbox? For
boxes that get 5 mails per month - no problem, keep them all. For ones
with 150 per day - no problem, clear all older than 3 months. It's the
intermediate ones that I have a problem with. Ideally I would like to be
able to keep individual mailboxes at a set level.

Or is there a better way to do this than scoring.

Regards, John
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Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914)