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Re: Is there an addon or plugin for removing empty maildir

On date Wednesday 2007-08-01 12:34:33 +0100, Chris G muttered:
> I am mostly happy now using maildir instead of mbox, the advantages
> just about outweigh the disadvantages for me.
> However one thing is still annoying me and it feels as if there should
> be a way to fix it or work around it.  With mbox when a mailbox has no
> more messages in it and you have the save_empty unset then the mailbox
> disappears.  Is there no way to get the same effect with maildir?
> It's a real nuisance if it's not possible as I create quite a few
> mailboxes which I want to disappear after use.  E.g. I have a
> 'pending' folder where I store threads I want to be able to refer to
> for a few days (or check on action, etc.) however when the mailbox is
> finished with I want to be able to delete the messages and get rid of
> the mailbox otherwise my 'pending' folder gets cluttered with dozens
> of old mailboxes.  Deleting them manually is messy and awkward.
> I have a similar problem with my 'freecycle' folder where I keep
> threads relating to stuff I give away on freecycle, when the stuff has
> gone I want to delete the messages and get rid of the mailbox.
> I know I could run an overnight script to remove empty maildirs
> (though it's not totally trivial to do) but it seems such a obvious
> thing that an MUA could/should do that it surprises me it's missing
> from mutt.  Well, it's half missing, it does it for mbox so it's
> obviously seen as useful.

Hi Chris, I faced the same problem some time ago, this is one of the
features I mostly miss in mutt.

I discussed it on this list some time ago:

HTH, cheers.

PS Do you know if there is a way to get the gmane address from a
correspoding mail id? 
mutt random tip #6
A signed message is considered verified only *when all its parts are 
signed*. A partially signed message (for example with a mailing-list final
attachment) is not considered sure, so the "s" flag won't became upcased
even when the other parts have been verified against the signature.