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Re: Fwd: Re: alias list and bcc

On Sun, Jul 29, 2007 at 07:24:43AM -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> Please explain "to-field isn't correct" and site rfc's supporting your
> "supposition".
"Correct" was not quite the right word. What I wanted to say is, that
the to-field ideally should present the address of the recipient an not
"undisclosed recipient" even if this is conform to rfc #idunno.

> > Maybe someone shows up with a clean solution.
> You have been offered several.  Perhaps you should do some
> investigation to educate yourself rather than placing the onus on
> "someone".  The provided mutt documentation is *very* good.

I'm sorry. That was not meant to be an insult. I am not a native speaker
of English and was not aware of the subtle meaning of "someone". 

Benjamin Eckenfels

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