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Re: unsub'ing

=- Fintan Gaughan wrote on Tue 15.May'07 at 19:35:13 +0100 -=

> Its just that i don't see any headers in googlemail .

Strange, even gogglegroups lets me see all headers when I want to.

> Next thing I did a search on google to which brings me to here.
> http://www.mutt.org/mail-lists.html so that did not work. so I
> fired off email with the words unsubscribe to which i should
> receive instruction on how to unsubscribe. that tells me that
> mailman not configured that way.

Have you also read past the web-form to the end?
Where it has links for direct mail action?

Please report if those fail, too.

(*waiting for wiki.mutt.org to overtake in goggle rankings*)

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