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Re: Locale problem and sent index

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On Friday, May 11 at 10:54 PM, quoth Salve H�kedal:
>This is my (very simple) muttrc:
>set mbox_type=maildir
>set folder="~/epost"
>set spoolfile="+innboks"
>set      mbox="+innboks"
>set postponed="+kladd"
>set    record="+sendt"
># (Without this I get english month-names in the index(!))
>set locale="nb_NO" 
># (Why don't mutt automatically adopt my locale?)
>The muttrc above results in an ? substituting the 'å' in 'Salve Håkedal'
>in the recievers inbox.

I don't see where you're specifying your $realname, which means that 
mutt is pulling that value out of /etc/passwd (and probably not 
detecting the charset correctly). Try:

set realname='Salve Håkedal'

You may also want to set $charset to the correct value for your config 
file. (do that at the beginning of the muttrc)

>I can correct this with using:
>my_header From: "Salve Håkedal" <salve@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>but this results in my sent-index giving _my_ name, and not the name of
>the reciever of the email _I wrote_.

Eh? Those should not be connected. What is your $index_format? The 
default is that it shows the *author* of emails or the recipient if 
the message is from you. However, it needs to be able to know how to 
distinguish that a message is "from you". It does that by using your 
$from, and whatever $alternates you have set. Add this to your muttrc:

set from='salve@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'

That should get this working properly.

- -- 
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. 
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by 
definition, not smart enough to debug it.
                                                     -- Brian Kernighan
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
