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Re: forwarding messages with attachments

On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 04:03:00PM -0700, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 06:55:48PM -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
> > Is there a way to make Mutt deal with this properly?  I can't imagine
> > that the audience of Mutt (largely sysadmins and programmers and such)
> > hasn't run into this problem before...  The normal way I handle this
> > is to save the original body to a text file, mime_forward the message
> > components *excluding* the body, and then while composing my own body,
> > read the original body into my editor, manually marking it up to
> > distinguish it from what I've written.
> Definitely interested in hearing the discussion on this one as well.. in the
> past I've relied on 'b' to bounce the message on to someone when I needed to
> preserve the attachments as-is, but this obviously doesn't allow you to
> (easily) edit the contents of the message first.  At least not in a way
> compareable to how other mailers do it.

If bouncing is  enough for you, then probably it will be enough for you to
add this to your muttrc (or make a macro to do it when you need it, or

  set mime_forward

But again, this does not (AFAICT) allow you to easily edit the
original body.  In fact, it's really annoying in another way: it
includes the *headers* from the original message in-line in the body,
but not the original body itself...  But then the entire message is
included (with headers) in the first attachment.

I consider this to be utterly and completely broken, and I'm
considering reporting it as a bug, but I'm waiting to see what other
people think.  It's shocking to me that people have not previously
complained loudly enough about this to get it changed; but that just
leads me to think that some people actually *like* this behavior,
which boggles my mind.  It might even "bottle" my mind. ;-)

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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