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forwarding messages with attachments

Please read carefully before you reply.  I already know about
mime_forward, forward_decode, mime_forward_decode, and
mime_forward_rest...  I've played with these vars quite a bit, and no
combination of these appears to do what I want them to do.  [Though,
FWIW, the manual documentation on some of these could stand to be a
lot clearer... i.e. what the hell does "Controls the decoding of
complex MIME messages into text/plain when forwarding a message"
actually mean, exactly?]  Anyway...

The problem is this:  Often, I have mail which consists of a body, and
several text attachments.  The attachments very often are scripts or
source code of some sort, attached with a type of text/plain.  

What I want to do is to be able to forward (or reply to) these
messages to someone else, with the original body included in-line in
my body, so I can comment on it.  However, I *DO NOT* want the
attachments included in-line, because this makes them very difficult
to save separately (remember, they're individual programs -- albeit in
plain text format).

Is there a way to make Mutt deal with this properly?  I can't imagine
that the audience of Mutt (largely sysadmins and programmers and such)
hasn't run into this problem before...  The normal way I handle this
is to save the original body to a text file, mime_forward the message
components *excluding* the body, and then while composing my own body,
read the original body into my editor, manually marking it up to
distinguish it from what I've written.

This is a solution, but it's a pretty sucky one.  It was workable when
I did this a lot less often, but in my new role, I find it happening a
lot.  It's giving me major headaches.

I believe, based on perusing the manual, that mutt does not provide a
way to do this.  But I'm hoping that I've just missed something... and
perhaps also that me mentioning it will encourage some ambitious young
soul to fix it if it's not there.  :)  I'm getting too old to spend
time hacking on my mailer...

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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