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Folder management and archiving

Has anyone written any patches, or addons, or utilities which make it
easy to manage mail directories etc. from within mutt?

I have a moderately deep (say three or four levels) hierarchy of saved
mail.  I want some easy[ish] way of creating new directories and/or
moving existing directories and folders within the hierarchy.  Is
there anything available for doing this?

For example, say I have the following (I do actually have this):-


I want to move June2007 (which is a mailbox) to:-


>From the command line this is trivial but there's no easy way to do it
from within Mutt that I can see.  Mutt macros may help a bit (using !
to access the command line) but there really seem to be no tools at
all for handling directories (either creating them or moving them).

Chris Green