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Re: Patterns to set indicator colors?

On (19/12/06 14:02), Sweth Chandramouli wrote:
>    Rado S (<rado@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>) wrote:
> > =- Sweth Chandramouli wrote on Tue 19.Dec'06 at 13:18:26 -0500 -=
> > 
> > > Am I missing something, or is it impossible to, say, have all
> > > emails that are to/from me be shown with green text and all
> > > other emails shown w/ red text, regardless of whether or not
> > > they are highlighted by the indicator bar?
> > 
> > If you don't want the indicator bar (to mess around with your
> > colors), disable it and use the "arrow" instead.
> I do want the indicator bar, though.  I just want to be able to
> have its foreground colors change using the same criteria that
> the rest of the index uses.  Is there any way to do that?

If I understand what you want, the following addition to .muttrc
should do it:
color index red default ~A
color index green default '~L "Sweth"'
The general formula is
# color thisthing foregroundcolor backgroundcolor [arguments]


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