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Re: Building MDK 10.1 RPM

Chris wrote:
> Thanks Todd, I'll post this over on the MDK list, I wasn't sure what
> to put there as the only other RPM I've ever built is Clamav.

I'd guess that's either the mandrake release or the rpm package's
release field.  Packages are nice for being able to easily roll out
the same software to multiple machines and other useful stuff, but all
the packaging schemes entail some effort to learn the details of them.

> I didn't see .13 on the Mutt webpage, I'll have to look again.

No need to adjust your eyes.  It's not listed on the website (I'm not
sure there's a reason, likely just hasn't been brought to the
attention of the webmaster or he hasn't had time yet to add it).

But it is available.  Look in ftp://ftp.mutt.org/mutt/devel .

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Many people are secretly interested in life.

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