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Re: EOM in subject line

=- Charles Cazabon wrote on Wed 29.Nov'06 at  7:59:41 -0600 -=

> James <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I send a lot of email that consists solely of a subject line
> > that ends in EOM. I want the body of these messages to be
> > blank. Is there any way mutt can see the subject ending in EOM
> > and skip the editor portion of the email creation process?
> Well, if stdin isn't readable, you get much that effect, i.e.:
>   $ mutt -s 'This is my subject' recipient@xxxxxxxxxxx </dev/null
> Does that do what you want?

If you want it inside interactive mutt, use
        send-hook "~s ." 'set editor="real-editor"'
        send-hook "~s 'your subject regex'" 'set editor="touch"'

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