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Re: Author name rather than list name for subscribed lists

On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 08:50:56PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> Look in "The Fine Manual" for "index_format" (para 6.3.92. in 1.5.9i),
> and substitute the variable that provides the display you wish.
> ie: edit in ~/.muttrc "index_format".

Thanks. As I said in my original email, I already know about
index_format, and was keen to avoid using it as it did not seem robust.
(Why did I think this? Don't ask.) However, your email made me take
another look and realise that what I was describing required a trivial

set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s" (default)

set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"

-- Mike