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Need help for imap in mutt

Dear All,

Environment: Debian, mutt 1.5.13
I have 2 imap mail boxes to maintain, according to the manual of mutt, 
I add following lines in my muttrc:
########### imap folder ############
set folder="imaps://usr:psw@xxxxxxxxxx"
mailboxes +inbox +sent +trash

set folder="imaps://usr:psw@xxxxxxxxxx"
mailboxes +inbox +sent +trash

set imap_check_subscribed=yes
###########       end      ############
But, When I type "c inbox <Enter>" in mutt, it says "inbox is not a folder",
I can only type  "c imaps://usr:psw@xxxxxxxxxx/inbox" to enter a folder.
How can I make it easier? 
btw, if I input "y" to list folders, mutt will crash cauz of "segmentation 
and if I input "c ?", it says "/home/lars/.mh_profile not found, mh format 
disabled, Segmentation fault"

I've worked hard on this, but I found that I need your help, thank you very 
