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Re: Request for NEW functionality in signature

Hello Gary and *,

Am 2006-10-12 12:05:15, schrieb Gary Johnson:

> It appears to me that you're not really adding a signature-on-top 
> but rather adding a greeting-on-top.
>     <greeting text>
>     <mutt message text>
>     <signature text>
> So an option like
>     set greeting=<path>/some_greeting
> along with
>     set signature=<path>/some_sig
>     set sig_on_top=no
> might be easier to understand and be backwards-compatible with the
> existing signature options.

OK, this would be realy better!

> Is it really that difficult to add such a greeting in your editor?

It depends on the Editor...  I do not like Vi(m) and Emacs
because they can not run on a very LOW-Memory system...

> You didn't say what editor you're using, but in vim, you could
> easily write a function to add a greeting--and even the signature,
> too--and bind that function to a function key or short key sequence.

I use whatever is availlable on the System...
On my own Systems I use mcedit

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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