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Re: Can one 'filter' a message being viewed?

=- Dave Dodge wrote on Thu 12.Oct'06 at  1:00:47 -0400 -=

> I dump a lot of mailing lists into the same folder and wanted
> messages labeled by which list they came from. For example I
> wanted "[mutt-users]" to be displayed in the subject lines for
> messages from this list. My solution {...}

Some ML-software (many?) allows "per user" addition of such labels.
mutt-* lists are configured to allow everyone to add this for
themselves. Ask your other ML-admins whether this is possible and
turn it on there, too. ;)
Ask majordomo@xxxxxxxx for help, if you notice any config problems
for the lists, tell me or Steve off the list in private.

There can be occasional delays of posts, Steve (and his admin) are
aware of this and hunting it down (hopefully :).

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
Even if it seems insignificant, in fact EVERY effort counts
for a shared task, at least to show your deserving attitude.