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Re: Access webmail like evolution

On 8/17/06, cl@xxxxxxxx <cl@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm at work now so I can see my FetchExc configuration.

On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 05:07:18PM -0400, Asif Iqbal wrote:
> >OK, it's here:-
> >    http://personal.inet.fi/atk/fetchexc/
> >
> >It will work from anywhere accessing the Webmail (WebDAV) interface of
> >MS Exchange.  If you can access your work E-Mail using Webmail from
> >home the FetchExc should work as it simply uses the same interface to
> >your mail.
> Hmm when I call my webmail like this
> https://mail.work.com
> It switches to this page right away
> That is a OWA pager powered by MSX server 2003
Yes, that's like mine:-


So that looks OK so far.

> I then login with my Active Dir Domain Account like this
> AD\username
> active dir password
> Then it takes me to the inbox and the url changes to this
> https://mail.work.com/webmail/
Yes, mine acts exactly the same.

> What would be my
>  ExchangeServer=xxx.dddddd.com
>  ExchangePath=exchange
>  ExchangeUser=exuser
> I tried to login like this and I get a 404
>  https://mail.work.com/webmail/username
My fetchExc.properties file is:-


Where ExchangeServer is the IP address of the server.  Both

Is it the IP address of the website address of webmail, which I have
access from outside, OR the actual IP of the exchange server, which I
have no access from outside.

ExchangeUser and Username are my login name and Password is the
password (surprise!). The MailServer and DestinationAddress relate to

I thought Mailserver is the IP address of the SMTP server that I use
to send/reply mail
If I am pulling the email what is the Destination address for? Is that
mean fetchExc pulls and forwards and not just pulls and drops to local

the machine where I want to read my mail.

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxxx)

Asif Iqbal
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