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Re: /mail/sent-mail: No such file or directory (errno = 2)

--- cga2000 <cga2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Looks like it's trying to write to a file called
> "sent-mail" in a "mail"
> directory right under "/" -- which I assume does not
> exist on your
> system.. 

Actually it's /mail under my user's home directory
(~/mail). The directory sent-mail does definitely
exist there. I've tried specifying the full path:
/home/myuser/mail/sent-mail. But the error message
persists and I am still prevented from sending mail.

> So here's what I specified .. seems to work for me: 
> # Tell mutt to save sent emails and where to save
> them                                                
> set             copy=yes                            
> set             record="/home/myuser/mail/Sent"     

That doesn't work here. I commented out my previous
rule, added and edited this one, but I still get the
same "/mail/sent-mail: No such file or directory
(errno = 2)" error message, and the mail doesn't send.
I'm not terribly conversant in computing, so I'm
probably doing something very simple wrong. I just
can't figure out for the life of me at the moment what
it could be.

Further thoughts, anyone?

Thanks, James

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