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How to reload a message from a macro, if "display_filter" has changed

Hello mutt-geeks,

I have written a macro which let me choose from a macro + (X)dialog
which display filter to use...

Now there is a problem:  Whenever I change the display_filter, I need
to leave the message and select it again manualy.

Question:  Is it posible to reload the message automaticaly
           after I have changed the display_filter?

Currently I have only:

macro pager \cf ':set display_filter=`tdmuttsettings --display-filter`'"\n"

Is it possibel, to GET a settings from a macro and pipe it into a
command?  Currently I do realy crazy stuff with BASH scripts and I
have written a Xdialog driven config tool for mutt...  ;-)  

OK, it is under construction and no public release, but...

Since I can source the muttrc from bash, its realy funny...  to
change the settings from within a macro and Xdialog, write it back
into the muttrc using sed and push setting on STDOUT.

If I am back On-Line wit ADSL/SDSL, I will put all on my Website.

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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