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Re: How do I come back from viewing the message to index?

>     My own preference goes to a staged exit from everywhere, but never
> quitting Mutt, bound on left arrow. With another key [q] doing staged
> exit then real quit. And yet another key [x] doing staged exit then quit
> without saving changes (an abandon key).
> | bind generic        <Left>  exit
> | macro index <Left>  "<change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>"    "open Mailboxes 
> browser"
> | bind pager  <Left>  exit
>     Thus <Left> progressively goes out of any submenus, but at top level
> begins to toggle between mailboxes browser and current index. That's
> convenient to take a quick look at new mailboxes, and renders
> inadvertent quitting impossible. The [q] key does already do what
> I want. But [x] needs this addition:
> | bind generic        x       exit
> Bye!  Alain.

Pardon my ignorance, but where are these 'preferences' stored? Are you
referring to .muttc? If so, what are the vertical lines for ("|")?

