Just to add my two cents. I have been trying to extract attachments from emails and everything that I looked at did everything but didn't do the extraction part. So I downloaded the mutt source and modified it to support a "batch mode". The batch mode that I am using only supports the pipe command. The pipe command is a standard part of mutt. Mutt pipes the entire email to a command that I define in my .muttrc file. In this case it is a munpack command which does the extraction. The pipe command is selected by 1) defining a macro in my .muttrc file and2) push'ing characters into mutt in my .muttrc file to invoke the macro. I have made numerous changes to support a batch mode that does not
require curses or even any Unix terminal I/O. I have built and tested this on Windows ME and Mac OS X. That's the good news. The bad news is that I am not a known developer for mutt and I haven't had time to upload my changes back to the mutt web site. Carl Klatsky wrote:
On Wednesday, August 2 at 06:24 PM, quoth cga2000:python comes with powerful modules to send/receive mail (smtplib, poplib, imaplib) that are (obviously) designed to be invoked from scripts.don't know if Perl has anything like this?Oh ye of little faith, of course it does. Mail::IMAPClient,Mail::Mbox::MessageParser, Mail::POP3Client, Mail::POPRelay,Mail::Sender, Mail::Sendmail, to name a few.OK, thanks, got lots of helpful feedback here. When I referred to "character-graphics mode", I did mean curses, and probably should have phrased it that way. I will check into the Perl modules for retrieving the mail from the IMAP mail server, rather than the fetchmail & procmail route. I would image the Perl modules have a way to send the mail too, but sending mail using Mutt is real easy & direct.Thanks for all the input.-Carl