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Re: Reading mail from CLI with Mutt

On 2006-08-03 08:30:28 -0400, Carl Klatsky wrote:

> OK, thanks, got lots of helpful feedback here.  When I
> referred to "character-graphics mode", I did mean curses,
> and probably should have phrased it that way.  I will check
> into the Perl modules for retrieving the mail from the IMAP
> mail server, rather than the fetchmail & procmail route.  I
> would image the Perl modules have a way to send the mail
> too, but sending mail using Mutt is real easy & direct.

I wonder if what you're looking for is basically something like
mh or nmh.


The idea there is that you don't do "mail" in some dedicated
application, but that you manipulate individual messages from
the command line.

Thomas Roessler · Personal soap box at <http://log.does-not-exist.org/>.