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mutt hangs on SASL authentication from FC4, but not cygwin

I'm attempting to connect to cyrus imapd via mutt.  I've connected to the
server using a number of different mail clients: firebird, evolution,
outlook express, squirrelmail, etc.  Additionally, I'm able to connect
using mutt from cygwin.  However, from two different Fedora Core 4 boxes,
mutt hangs up during SASL authentication.  Eventually, after, say, five
minutes, the IMAP server gives up and disconnects mutt.  I'm using the
same .muttrc in all cases.

Has anyone seen this before?  Any ideas where to start looking?  tcpdump
confirms that the connection to the imap server is being initiated from
the Fedora boxes, but not completed.

There versions in question.

Fedora versions - Mutt, Mutt 1.4.1i

Cygwin version - Mutt

Thanks for any help.
