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Re: Demoroniser (was: Display Filters)

 On Friday, July 7, 2006 at 13:06:35 -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:

> the apostrophes in your recent replies (as in the paragraph quoted
> above) appear as '\222', even with 'charset="iso-8859-1//TRANSLIT"'

    Note my Kurly apostrophs ’ (and other chars) appear well quoted
in your replies, exactly as I typed them. But still with liar charset
label. We're clearly in the case where the system iconv used by
Mutt *requires* specific charset names, and stops working otherwise.
Hence no conversion, display \octalisation, and $send_charset mess. We
must find those Sun names. Or switch to GNU printf^W libiconv. ;-)

> $ ldd /home/garyjohn/bin/SunOS/mutt
>       libsocket.so.1 =>        /usr/lib/libsocket.so.1
>       libnsl.so.1 =>   /usr/lib/libnsl.so.1
>       libc.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/libc.so.1
>       libdl.so.1 =>    /usr/lib/libdl.so.1
>       libmp.so.2 =>    /usr/lib/libmp.so.2
>       /usr/platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240/lib/libc_psr.so.1
> No libiconv!

    The Sun iconv functions are there somewhere, for sure (seen their
action after my UTF-8 mail). Perhaps included in libc.so (nm and "grep
iconv_open" might confirm).

> installed locally GNU libiconv-1.9.2

    BTW libiconv 1.10 has yet better and larger transliteration tables.

> /bin/iconv

    Ahaa! Hopefully the Sun iconv command. Can you check:

| $ printf "\200 \203 \211\n" | /bin/iconv -f cp1252 -t us-ascii//TRANSLIT
| EUR f o/oo

    But we should rather locate some authoritative list of Sun supported
charsets. Hum...

| $ locale --charmaps | grep 1252       # or locale -m
| CP1252
| $ /bin/iconv -l | grep 1252
| $ man 3 iconv_open            # but avoid the manpage that came with libiconv

    You could also investigate the possible existence of a way to add
aliases to the list, similar to the file /usr/lib/nls/iconv/config.iconv
in HP-UX, or such.

    In fact if you find such a list, I'm intersested: Could you please
send it to me in full (privately)? For my own education. BTW is there a
relation between SunOS version, and Solaris version?

Bye!    Alain.
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