Re: Do you auto fetch GPG keys?
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On Friday, June 16 at 05:34 PM, quoth markus reichelt:
>* Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> However, if you are *viewing* an *encrypted* message (like he
>> said), then you obviously have mutt configured at least somewhat
>> correctly. My presumption would be that if you've gotten the pgp
>> settings correct enough to view an encrypted message, you probably
>> have the settings correct for verifying signatures, in which case
>> seeing "PGP signature could NOT be verified." is definitely NOT
>> normal.
>Just to clarify things:
>Yepp, you're right. Given that the public key in question is in fact
>present in one's public keyring. If that public key is missing the
>message above is as it should be.
Oddly enough, my gpg seems to be much more useful. After disabling
auto-keyfetching, when I tried to verify the signature on your message
(as an example of someone whose key is not in my public keyring), I
gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
This seems both obvious, and intuititve. Why does your mutt say
something different?
- --
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-- R. W. Hamming
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!