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Re: send-hooks

Well, that's as comprehensive a response as one can get! Thank you!

> That's valid syntax, but I see two things about it that are... unwise.
> First, you don't need to define BOTH lists and subscribe. "lists" are

Finally a clarification on the difference between 'lists' and
'subscribe'. I never quite understood that part -- not that I obsessed
about it :)

> are *regular expressions*, not shell globs. The pattern 'vim*' matches

Well, I'm embarrased. I shouldn't have made that mistake. Thanks for
pointing this out. 

> But as to why your current setup (vim*) doesn't match it
> (vim-foo@xxxxxxx)? I don't know. I would think if anything your
> pattern match there would match too much stuff.

And I'm embarrased once again. The problem was that I wasn't even
sourcing the right file. Somehow I had "lists" and "subscribtions" under
the ".mutt" directory. All that stuff I wrote about was in "lists"
and meanwhile I was sourcing subscribtions, which contained only one
line: "subscribe vim@xxxxxxx"! First, I considered not even writing
about this, but then I thought that the mutt community should at least
get a chuckle out of it.

> send-hook . 'my_hdr From: me@xxxxxxxx' 
> send-hook ~l 'my_hdr From:

That worked perfectly.

The one thing I still don't know how to do is this. When I get a message
from a list, I, out of habit, press "r" to reply, whereas I should of
course press "L" to reply to the list. Is there a way to map "r" to "L"
when a message is from a list?

Thanks, Kyle!