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Re: send-hooks

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On Thursday, May 11 at 04:50 PM, quoth gerases@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> My send hook is very simple: send-hook ~l 'my_hdr From: user@host'. 
> That is, I want to change my from address anytime I'm sending 
> anything to a known mailing list.

Sounds good.

> My lists are defined as follows:
> lists vim* mutt* fluxbox*
> subscribe vim* 
> subscribe mutt* 
> subscribe fluxbox*

That's valid syntax, but I see two things about it that are... unwise.

First, you don't need to define BOTH lists and subscribe. "lists" are 
for lists you are not subscribed to, and "subscribe" is for lists you 
are subscribed to. Having both defined *shouldn't* create a problem... 
but it's not very useful, and might be confusing mutt.

Second, you're being too general with your patterns. It's best to be 
very strict. With the patterns you've defined up there, for example, 
mail to levi@xxxxxxxxxxx would be considered mail to a mailing list 
because it has the "vi" string in it.

> 1. When I compose a message to just vim@xxxxxxx, it works. When it's 
> vim-something@xxxxxxx, it doesn't. Also, it doesn't work for either 
> mutt or fluxbox.

Well, that's odd, but not for the reason you think. Consider: these 
are *regular expressions*, not shell globs. The pattern 'vim*' matches 
any string with vi and zero or more m's. What you probably want is 
something like this:

subscribe '^vim(-.*)?@vim.org$'

But as to why your current setup (vim*) doesn't match it 
(vim-foo@xxxxxxx)? I don't know. I would think if anything your 
pattern match there would match too much stuff.

> 2. When it does work, the "From: " value remains changed for all other 
> messages.

This is expected behavior. Hooks are interesting creatures because 
they trigger mutt commands, which can do just about anything. As such, 
they don't maintain some sort of universal previous state to revert to 
as soon as you are out of the context that the hook applies to. So 
what you want to do is set a default hook, like this:

send-hook . 'my_hdr From: me@xxxxxxxx'
send-hook ~l 'my_hdr From: lists@xxxxxxxx'

What that will do is for every message that is not a known mailing 
list, your from address will be me@xxxxxxxx, but for messages that are 
known mailing lists, your from address will be lists@xxxxxxxxx

You can do the same thing for *every* mutt setting and *any* mutt 
command. For example:

send-hook . 'subscribe ^foo$'
send-hook '~C fred@xxxxxxx' 'unsubscribe ^foo$'

- -- 
They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and 
                                                     -- Clint Eastwood
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!
