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Re: OT: rant, was: Re: e-mail encoding/formatting

* Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Thursday, May  4 at 05:27 PM, quoth markus reichelt:
> > * Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> On Wednesday, May  3 at 04:42 PM, quoth markus reichelt:
> >>> Kyle, you God of UTF-8, what about applying that send_charset 
> >>> kludge, hm?
> >> 
> >> What send_charset kludge?
> >
> > Just an idea, I meant this: 
> >
> > http://mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html
> >
> > 6.3.245. send_charset
> Ah. I tried using that to send text in a somewhat more widely used
> charset (like windows-1252), but I got pilloried for using a
> Microsoft-specific charset rather than a "standard" one. If you

That sounds awfully like Murphy; at least you tried. I must confess
that I was among the many who did not speak up but silently ignored
the matter (and the messages hard to read because of lots of ???).

I presume that you did not use a per mailing list config? I do, but
then again I solely partake in mailing lists about unix systems.

> have a suggestion of a standard, widely supported charset to use
> that has the correct characters, I'm all ears.

Well, I'm not an ISO-specialist, but perhaps some guru will jump in;
I sure hope so. Especially when it comes to curly quotes written on a
UTF-8 system with mutt, and displayed correctly (via substitutes) on
a non-UTF-8 terminal in mutt, I'm very happy with any ISO-8859
charset being used either as orig (read: end user) charset or as
primary send_charset.

And regarding this list, all the problems seem to be about those
curly qoutes. I added the infamous //TRANSLIT to my config, and it
works on all of my slackware installs. No more ??? in your messages

I just wonder about you using a send_charset setting of iso-8859-1
and if the problems of ??? quotes would disappear w/o //TRANSLIT;
because whenever you used curly quotes ??? would appear instead.
Maybe getting rid of the us-ascii in Default:
"us-ascii:iso-8859-1:utf-8" would do the trick. Then again, what
would happen to those actually using us-ascii? I don't know but
assume again some ???. I see some FAQ issues rise once again, because
//TRANSLIT may not work in all cases, sadly.

I'd opt for using some iso-8859 instead of windows-1252 and see what
happens; my mere user's gut feeling tells me that it ought to work
fine on windows systems as well by now.

> What makes you describe that feature as a kludge?

Old fidonet habbit, I guess; each technical feature was called kludge
anyway. Obviously such a habbit dies hard.

And in a sense it stills applies to something like //TRANSLIT - I
somehow totally missed that one being added to mutt's config. Any
links to its history are appreciated.

left blank, right bald

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