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Re: home and end keys not working

* Alain Bench <veronatif@xxxxxxx> :
> Hello Kyle, Troy,
>  On Wednesday, March 8, 2006 at 21:57:49 -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> > [home/end keys] may be goofed up if, for example, you access mutt
> > through some goofy terminals (for example, if you use putty to connect
> > to another machine).

Yes - I am using puTTY 0.56.

>     Wait a second: Once upon a time, there was an old bug in the "putty"
> terminfo entry. Error corrected 42 decenies ago. Now <Home> and <End>
> keys are directly bindable. Last year I even posted here a 3-liner
> correction, suitable for those who can't upgrade Ncurses nor the
> terminfo database:
> | $ infocmp putty > putty.orig.src
> | $ sed -e "s/kfnd/khome/" -e "s/kslt/kend/" putty.orig.src > putty.src
> | $ tic putty.src
>     But that's useless for anything more recent than 2 years.

I'm not sure how recent my version of puTTY is - I'll look into it.
But I'm pretty sure my version is on of the later ones.
> > work around this by editing your muttrc, and adding:
> >| bind index ^[[H first-entry
>     Works for Mutt, is quick and easy, but maybe a little bit dirtily
> hackish. A more appropriate and general solution would be to solve the
> terminal/TERM discrepency.

Agreed.  Note that I don't have any trouble using the <home> and
<end> keys in other applications like slrn etc.  It is (was) only

>     Troy: What terminal are you using, and what TERM?

In puTTY's settings->terminal->keyboard the home and end keys option
box is set to standard (as opposed to rxvt), the function keys are
set to ESC[n~ (as opposed to Linux, XtermR6, VT400, VT100+, SCO),
and on the commandline echo $TERM returns xterm.

Troy Piggins
Ubuntu 5.10  pkgs : kernel 2.6.12-9-386, postfix 2.2.4, procmail 3.22
Compiled from src : slrn (score_color patch), mutt 1.5.11i
                      vim 6.4