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Re: Reading mail stored in a DB

On Friday, January  6 at 07:31 PM, quoth Michelle Konzack:
Hi Kyle and *,

Happy new year.

And to you as well!

Current devel versions of mutt *do* support serverside searching. I forget what version this feature was added in... The way you do it is rather than using "~b searchstring" (for example) to search through the body of an email, you use "=b searchstring".


curently I am using

 __( command 'apt-cache policy mutt' )_________________________________
| mutt:
|   Installed: 1.5.6-20040907+2
|   Candidate: 1.5.6-20040907+2
|   Version Table:
|  *** 1.5.6-20040907+2 0
|         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

I assum it would something like 1.6 because
1.5.9 from Debian/Sarge does not support it.

The feature was added on September 6th, 2005, which if I'm reading the changelog right, means it was released as part of 1.5.11, which is in Debian testing/unstable.

Of course it's the same old story. Truth usually is the same old story.
                                                   -- Margaret Thatcher

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