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Re: Reading mail stored in a DB

Hi Travis,

Am 2005-12-27 12:01:28, schrieb Travis Spencer:
> Hey All,
> Does mutt currently have support for reading mail stored in a database
> server such as PostgreSQL or MySQL?  If so, could someone point me to
> the relevant documentation because I couldn't find it?  If such a
> feature isn't currently supported, could someone familiar with mutt's
> internals describe what would be involved in implementing this
> capability?

Not directly...

I try to code an IMAP-Server (with powerfull searchfunctions)
which connect to a postgresql where each folder is one table.

But it is currently very bugby and NON PUBLIC.

I have not time to continue development because I need a new
appartement. sorry.

And unfortunatly mutt does not support serverside searching, which
mean, all searches must be performed by mutt.

My own Mailclient querry the PostgreSQL server dierectly and search
results are shown as temporary Mailbox.

Unfortunatly it works only on my php5 Webinterface and not in my MUA.


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