Why isn't my <End> key recognized ?
I have
bind pager <home> top
bind pager <end> bottom
in my configuration file. If I hit ? in the pager context, I have
<Home> top aller au début du message
<...> snip </...>
<End> bottom aller à la fin du message
If I hit <Home>, everything is OK. If I hit <End> I get :
(translated back into english) "this key has no affectation"
Does my key work ? YES !!!!!!!!!!! Have a look :
Open gvim and :map <end> Atest<esc>
now press <end> and it works !
Does it work in an xterm (mutt is currently in an xterm) ?
Open vim in an xterm and :map <end> Atest<esc>
it works !
Does it work in console mode ? Yes (same test with console+vim)
Does it work with other software than vim ?
Yes !!! (For instance readline).
Of course, I tried to change the case : End, end, END, etc. in my .muttrc
Now let's be a little more technical :
END : ^[OF
(in order to make the thing clean, I replaced the 1B character by the two
printable characters ^[ which is visually the same).
Will I be able to use <end> with mutt ?
Thomas Baruchel