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Re: how to do something automatically on sending a message to specific recipients

On 11/04/05 09.12, Chris McCraw wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 09:08:03AM +1000, Troy Piggins wrote:
> > * Chris McCraw <fool@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> :
> > <snip>
> > > i need to filter messages sent to a certain recipient--she has a 
> > > significant
> > > amount of difficulty in reading my messages unless they are perfectly
> > > capitalized and punctuated.  i do not wish to filter every message i send,
> > > though.  my ideal solution to this appeared to be (in my .muttrc):
> > > 
> > >   send-hook '~t recipient@xxxxxxxxxxx' filter-entry /u/fool/filter.pl
> > <snip>
> > > i have verified the correct functioning of filter.pl when invoked via
> > > 'F' from the compose context, but i need this to work just in the context
> > > of that one recipient (it would be nice if it caught cc:'s to her, but if
> > > it doesn't, that's life).
> > 
> > According to the muttrc man page, the pattern ~C matches To: or Cc:,
> > and have you tried quotation marks around the command part of the
> > send-hook?
> > 
> > send-hook '~C recipient@xxxxxxxxxxx' 'filter-entry /u/fool/filter.pl'
> > 
> > I do not use this filter.pl you talk of, but I have send-hooks of
> > similar format and this works for me.
> (i changed mine to use ~C and quote the command, but even so...)
> unfortunately, this is what happens:
> after entering the recipient@xxxxxxxxxxx and subject of a message, as
> mutt is invoking my editor, it reports:
> filter-entry:  unknown command
> in the status bar and then goes on to send the message without filtering
> my mail.  filter.pl is just a fairly simple perl script that behaves as
> such:
> % echo "testing this.  and that."  | /u/fool/filter.pl
> Testing this.  And that.
> % 
> filter.pl is world-readable/executable, and i am trying this with mutt-1.5.6i
> can you show me an actual example of filter-entry (or whatever the correct
> equivalent turns out to be) usage with send-hook?

Problem is that hooks can't be used quite like this. The hook is
executed as soon as the message is created, before you start composing
it. And filter-entry needs to be called differently too.

Provided that '<filter-entry>/u/fool/filter.pl' is always the correct
thing to do on such a mail just before sending, something like:

  send-hook . 'bind compose y send-message'
  send-hook '~C recipient@xxxxxxxxxxx' 'macro compose y 
"<filter-entry>/u/fool/filter.pl<enter><send-message>" "filter and send"'

might work.

Or you could create a /u/fool/sendmail-filter script:

  /u/fool/filter.pl | sendmail "$@"

and do something like:

  send-hook . 'set sendmail="/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem"'
  send-hook '~C recipient@xxxxxxxxxxx' 'set sendmail="/u/fool/sendmail-filter 
-oi -oem"'

this might be a bit cleaner, provided that your filter can handle a
complete mail (otherwise some tricks with formail/perl/sed/whatever
could split and reasemble the mail for you, in the sendmail-filter

Note that while I think the principle of these suggested solutions is
sound, I can't guarantee that they work _just_ as I have typed them.

Note also the send-hook . ... lines. They are important! Mutt does not
have a concept of per-mail state, as far as most variables are
concerned, so setting things back to normal as the first thing on new
mails is the thing to do.

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
                -- Albert Einstein

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