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how to do something automatically on sending a message to specific recipients

i apologize if this is a stupid question but after grovelling in the list
archive and googling a good bit i came up with nothing.

i need to filter messages sent to a certain recipient--she has a significant
amount of difficulty in reading my messages unless they are perfectly
capitalized and punctuated.  i do not wish to filter every message i send,
though.  my ideal solution to this appeared to be (in my .muttrc):

  send-hook '~t recipient@xxxxxxxxxxx' filter-entry /u/fool/filter.pl

but i cannot get mutt 1.5.6i to parse this line correctly.  i've seen
numerous examples of using <filter-entry> in macros, but i need this to
happen automatically because i am too forgetful to remember to run a macro
every time she happens to be in the recipient list.  i realize i could
rebind 'y' to call a macro that filters+sends, but again, i do not wish
to filter every message i send, just the ones to her.

i have verified the correct functioning of filter.pl when invoked via
'F' from the compose context, but i need this to work just in the context
of that one recipient (it would be nice if it caught cc:'s to her, but if
it doesn't, that's life).

thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.

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