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Re: mutt and filtering


* markus reichelt wrote (2004-10-28 22:25):
>Thorsten Haude <mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> muttered:
>> >The reason I can recommend procmail, without any hesitation that it
>> >might be too much of a burden for the newb to handle, is that the
>> >newbs I knew didn't stay newbs for long and in the long run it just
>> >paid off.
>> And this is where I disagree. For that payoff to work, there must be
>> something that Procmail can do that others can't. There isn't. You
>> just waste time learning its weird syntax.
>That's pretty confident for a non-procmail user to say

I used it for one or two years, exactly because it's recommended by
most people. (Misery loves company or something.)

>You have good if not best experiences with maildrop and you recommend
>it, that's fine with me and I expect it from you. But I have to
>disagree with your reasoning: Lets the newb decide what he likes and
>works best with, just point out the tools available to him.

Please do. Alas, all I ever see is talk about Procmail.

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