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Re: mutt and filtering

Am 2004-10-25 22:15:20, schrieb Thorsten Haude:
> Hi,

> Don't use Procmail. There are alternatives that are much more friendly

Why ?

> to new users. In Maildrop your examples would look about this (I'm not
> sure what Procmail makes of all the colons though):
>     if (/Subject:.*test*/)
>     {
>         to ajug
>     }
>     if (/Subject:.*bla*/)
>     {
>         to nylug
>     }
> Note that the first example would match 'testttttt' or 'tes'.

'tes' does not work...
In procmail it is realy simpel:

* ^Subject:.*test

* ^Subject:.*bla

So where is the problem using procmail...

> Thorsten


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