I belong to several lists, for which I use special my_hdr, realname & signature settings. Often, on these lists, I respond directly to the list member, and not on the list. When sending to the list, I do *not* have problems. Replying to list members directly, I have not found a way to _automatically_ synchronize my_hdr, realname & signature to my list identity. I use send-hook's to assure my identity on the lists. Each send-hook uses a default `send-hook . xyz' prior to custom send-hook's. I tried using folder-hook to assure my identity with off-list replies; but, that does not work, and I suspect that the send-hook's are the culprit. Note, I am successfully using folder-hook's in other contexts. How else might I accomplish my goals? What do you think? -- Best Regards, mds mds resource 877.596.8237 - Dare to fix things before they break . . . - Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we think we know. The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . . --
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