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Re: Wish: -r option to recover a crashed session

* Mun Johl <mun_johl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-07-05 10:20 -0700]:
> Hi,


> On Sat, Jun 19, 2004 at 07:33 PM PDT, Brett Carrington wrote:
> ... Text Deleted ...
> BC> It's not really mutt's job to do that. You might look into using
> BC> screen(1).
> I don't understand why it's not mutt's job.  All I'm saying is that as
> someone takes an action on an email (delete, apply label, etc), that
> action be recorded in some file up until the next sync.  That way if for
> some reason mutt abnormally terminates before one can sync the mail
> folder, one can re-start mutt with a recovery option and it would "play
> back" the recovery file automatically; much the way vi does with it's -r
> option.

I don't know vi, so I don't know how it's -r option works, but if you're
just saving keystrokes you could run into a problem if new mail arrives in
the box before you recover, with it deleting the wrong messages, etc.

> This type of feature would be very welcomed by me.  But maybe I'm the
> only one that has had mutt die on me in the middle of cleaning up a
> folder after I've read through and marked and 10's or 100's of them for
> deletion.

Can't say it's happened to me.

> I know: synch more often.  But sometimes I get so involved in
> reading/deleting I momentarily forget that I haven't sync'd in a while.
> Again, this feature would add ease of mind knowing that sync'ing often
> isn't necessarily required.

You could make macros for common actions that sync as well, e.g.,
macro index d "<delete-message><sync-mailbox>" "delete message and sync"
Joshua 'bruce' Crawford ... http://www.geocities.com/mortarn

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that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing
positive knowledge." -Albert Einstein

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