Mutt & esmtp not working together
I wrote in with this problem a few months ago, and I still can't
figure out what the problem is. I can't seem to get Mutt to run
esmtp correctly.
I have
set envelope_from=yes
set from="rbeyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
set sendmail="/usr/local/bin/esmtp"
in my .muttrc, but when I try to send an e-mail, Mutt just eternally
displays its "Sending message..." message, and nothing gets sent.
However, if I run mutt, postpone the message, and then do the
following from the command line:
/usr/local/bin/esmtp -f rbeyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -- recipient@xxxxxxxxxx < postponed
The mail gets sent.
Is mutt not feeding out the EOF correctly, or is esmtp not reading
it correctly, or is something entirely different wrong? Can anyone
help me? Thanks.