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Re: can ~/.signature deal more than one signature?

thank you for such a explicit reply.
On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 01:29:37AM -0400, David Yitzchak Cohen wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 05:24:09AM EDT, bing yu wrote:
> > hi, maybe this question is addressed quite often,but i still need help
> > scince i can not find answer by google.
> "This question" is actually three questions, only two of which have
> anything to do with Mutt, but no matter. . .
i'd better solve these porble one by one.  
> > usually in my .muttrc: set signature="fortune|"   but i want creat my own.
> The filename "fortune|" tells Mutt "instead of reading a real file, just
> run the command 'fortune' and use its output as if it were the file."
> The "fortune" program (which gets called by your shell when Mutt gives it
> the "fortune" command (see $PATH)) has its own (very simple) conventions
> about parsing fortune files, and by issuing "fortune -f" you'll be able
> to find the files it looks in by default.  You can add your own database
> (say, muttsigs) with random Mutt signatures (look at an existing one
> for the format), and then use "set signature='fortune muttsigs|'" in
> your RC setup.

root@SIM:/usr/share/games/fortunes# ls   
fortunes      fortunes.dat      literature      riddles
fortunes.bak  fortunes.dat.bak  literature.dat  riddles.dat

i want learn how to creat my own fortune category by modifying the existing
ones.   ~/.muttrc: "set signature="fortune fortunes|""    # by this way i
don't care about literature and riddles category.

i made a copy of the original fortunes and then delete all but two items
in fortunes, it reads 

---------fortunes begin -------------
A day for firm decisions!!!!!  Or is it?
A few hours grace before the madness begins again.
---------fortunes end -------------

now i run root@SIM:/usr/share/games/fortunes# fortune fortunes
it output nothing. (before i modified this file, it can print somthing
in fortunes file)

by now ,i cannot figure out where is the problem. i wild guess is
fortunes.dat does anybody on this list can give me any hint?

> > 1. can i write a ./signature file in which there are more then one
> > signature i can quote them in random order?
> If you have a fortune-like program that's willing to parse "~/.signature"
> (perhaps by symlink from /var/lib/games, or whatever your distribution
> uses?), the answer is "Yes."
> > if so, how to seperate
> > different ones in .signaure.
> If you're using fortune(6) itself, you separate sigs with "\n%\n" sequences.
> > And how to *set signautre* in .muttrc(
> > i find this line by google:  set signature="cat ~/.signature && signify|" 
> > is this right?) 
> Well, yeah, you can perhaps use that kind of craziness (what IS that,
> anyway???), or you can just use my sample above with the real fortune(6)
> program, which might as well be used.  (You can even do some fun stuff
> in the future to tell fortune(6) what to look for in a potential sig
> (check out the output of the -m option, add a simple sed(1), and repipe)
> if you go this route.)
> > 2. is the any signautre like *fortune* that can output some ascii picture
> > such as the following?
> > 
> >  ("`-/")_.-'"``-._
> >    . . `; -._    )-`'\  ,/`)
> >    (v_,)'  _  )`-.\   `-'
> >   _.- _..-_/ / ((.'
> >  ((,.-'  ((,/
> You need to google for ascii art programs.  (Hint: narrow your search
> on bubble.)
> > 3. can i let my signature in ./signature have different color?  here i
> > mean those who receive my mail on other mail client can see diffrent
> > color like some HTML mail.
> Well, if you're sending HTML mail (how to is beyond the scope of this
> email), all you have to do is put markup in your ~/.signature (or whatever
> file you're using for your $signature), and you're all set.  If you're
> stuck sending ASCII mail, you have to rely on people interpreting ANSI
> escape sequences (which Mutt doesn't do by default - see $allow_ansi).
> > any hint is welcome. 
> Cool, I love giving hints (but rarely much more) ;-P
> > thank you, have a nice weekend.
> You're welcome, I'm having a nice weekend so far (thank you) ;-)
> > -- 
> > this is my signature (from ~/.signature)
> ...and my own signature follows my name, which, to refresh your memory, is
>  - Dave
> -- 
> Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
> It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?
> Please visit this link:
> http://rotter.net/israel
