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Re: can ~/.signature deal more than one signature?

On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 05:24:09AM EDT, bing yu wrote:

> hi, maybe this question is addressed quite often,but i still need help
> scince i can not find answer by google.

"This question" is actually three questions, only two of which have
anything to do with Mutt, but no matter. . .

> usually in my .muttrc: set signature="fortune|"   but i want creat my own.

The filename "fortune|" tells Mutt "instead of reading a real file, just
run the command 'fortune' and use its output as if it were the file."
The "fortune" program (which gets called by your shell when Mutt gives it
the "fortune" command (see $PATH)) has its own (very simple) conventions
about parsing fortune files, and by issuing "fortune -f" you'll be able
to find the files it looks in by default.  You can add your own database
(say, muttsigs) with random Mutt signatures (look at an existing one
for the format), and then use "set signature='fortune muttsigs|'" in
your RC setup.

> 1. can i write a ./signature file in which there are more then one
> signature i can quote them in random order?

If you have a fortune-like program that's willing to parse "~/.signature"
(perhaps by symlink from /var/lib/games, or whatever your distribution
uses?), the answer is "Yes."

> if so, how to seperate
> different ones in .signaure.

If you're using fortune(6) itself, you separate sigs with "\n%\n" sequences.

> And how to *set signautre* in .muttrc(
> i find this line by google:  set signature="cat ~/.signature && signify|" is 
> this right?) 

Well, yeah, you can perhaps use that kind of craziness (what IS that,
anyway???), or you can just use my sample above with the real fortune(6)
program, which might as well be used.  (You can even do some fun stuff
in the future to tell fortune(6) what to look for in a potential sig
(check out the output of the -m option, add a simple sed(1), and repipe)
if you go this route.)

> 2. is the any signautre like *fortune* that can output some ascii picture
> such as the following?
>  ("`-/")_.-'"``-._
>    . . `; -._    )-`'\  ,/`)
>    (v_,)'  _  )`-.\   `-'
>   _.- _..-_/ / ((.'
>  ((,.-'  ((,/

You need to google for ascii art programs.  (Hint: narrow your search
on bubble.)

> 3. can i let my signature in ./signature have different color?  here i
> mean those who receive my mail on other mail client can see diffrent
> color like some HTML mail.

Well, if you're sending HTML mail (how to is beyond the scope of this
email), all you have to do is put markup in your ~/.signature (or whatever
file you're using for your $signature), and you're all set.  If you're
stuck sending ASCII mail, you have to rely on people interpreting ANSI
escape sequences (which Mutt doesn't do by default - see $allow_ansi).

> any hint is welcome. 

Cool, I love giving hints (but rarely much more) ;-P

> thank you, have a nice weekend.

You're welcome, I'm having a nice weekend so far (thank you) ;-)

> -- 
> this is my signature (from ~/.signature)

...and my own signature follows my name, which, to refresh your memory, is
 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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