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Re: sent all the postponed messages with one command

so spake Vlad Ghitulescu [2004.05.04 @ 15:35]:
> * Laas Toom <laas.toom@xxxxxxxx> [2004-05-04 19:32]:
> > 
> > hi,
> Hi!
> > But this is most definitely the wrong approach, so do not use it ;)
> I hope, it is not so foolish to ask: why is it so wrong to want to sent
> all the mails at once, whitout to re-open each of them?

there ain't nothin wrong....with a little bump n grind....
ahem.  sorry. 

there ain't nothing wrong with wanting to send a bunch of emails at
once.  there *is* something wrong with wanting mutt to do that for you.
it's a subtle difference, but one that most of us wankers will staunchly
defend.  =)

like people have alluded to before, mutt is an MUA; that means Mail 
User Agent (not Mutt User Agent, like I just wrote on accident).  it's 
for U, the user.  things like sendmail, postfix, and the like, are MTA's, 
Message Transport Agents|Mail Transfer Agents.  they're for the T; T 
is for sending.  =)  

a lot of smtp speaking relay only MTA's support queuing of mail that 
will be sent all at once, which will do exactly what you want, *and* 
preserve the sanctity of the sacred job of an MUA.  ;)

search the archives for threads that will point you to a bunch of these
relay only MTA's[1].

[1] man, i'm nice today...

> > Laas
> Vlad
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