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Re: Using rsync with Mail-tree

On 18.02.04,21:01, Ton Boelens wrote:
> Fellow Mutt-users,
> Please inform me if this is off-topic.
> I have a regular desktop pc that I use to retrieve mail and read and
> write messages. I use getmail, procmail, postfix and of course Mutt. I
> have a directory called ~/Mail that contains a number of
> maildir-subdirectories. Polling with getmail is automated with cron and
> so is archiving and backing up. At the moment, this machine is
> constantly switched on.
> Also, I have a laptop and I would like to take my whole collection of
> mails with me when I travel.
> What I am thinking about to do is: use rsync to copy all the changes to
> ~/Mail on the desktop pc to the ~/Mail directory on the laptop. Then use
> the laptop to read and write mail while I am away. Afterwards, when I
> return home from the trip, use rsync again to copy the changed mails
> (status of the mails has changed) back to the desktop pc. The mails that
> I have written will be send-off from the laptop directly.
> My question is: does anybody have experience with such a setup? If so, I
> would be very happy when you gave me some tips and pointers.


If you do it from the desktop PC and are logged in as user at both PCs, 
you can try 'rsync -ave ssh --delete ~/Mail/ your_laptop_ip:/~/Mail/'.

- Jostein

> Thanks,
> Ton.
> -- 
> /ton
> http://www.tonboelens.nl

Jostein Berntsen <jbernts@xxxxxxxxxxxx>