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Using rsync with Mail-tree

Fellow Mutt-users,

Please inform me if this is off-topic.

I have a regular desktop pc that I use to retrieve mail and read and
write messages. I use getmail, procmail, postfix and of course Mutt. I
have a directory called ~/Mail that contains a number of
maildir-subdirectories. Polling with getmail is automated with cron and
so is archiving and backing up. At the moment, this machine is
constantly switched on.

Also, I have a laptop and I would like to take my whole collection of
mails with me when I travel.

What I am thinking about to do is: use rsync to copy all the changes to
~/Mail on the desktop pc to the ~/Mail directory on the laptop. Then use
the laptop to read and write mail while I am away. Afterwards, when I
return home from the trip, use rsync again to copy the changed mails
(status of the mails has changed) back to the desktop pc. The mails that
I have written will be send-off from the laptop directly.

My question is: does anybody have experience with such a setup? If so, I
would be very happy when you gave me some tips and pointers.

