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Re: xemacs, color, mail headers....

On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 12:25:09AM -0500, Matt Price wrote:

> --> meanwhile...  I'm wondering how i can get my old highlighting back.  Using
> emacs, I had lovely red highlighting for lines starting with >; now
> all of that is gone.  My first thought is to ifnd out where the
> font-face definitions for mail-mode were stored in gnu-emacs, and copy
> them someohow, or trnaslate them somehow, to my xemacs situation.  But
> I don't have any idea how to do that.  Anyone use xemacs in mutt, and
> have success with syntax highlighting in mail mode?  

well, still experimenting here, but need to go to bed!  I've posted my
.xemacs directory at http://www.derailleur.org/xemacs -- thought it
was a bit much to send everyone all those files!


-- colors seem to work perfectly well when xemacs is run without the
-nw switch, that is, in its own "frame".

-- when run iwth the -nw switch in an xterm, it seems to be very
difficult to get colors to work.  I've had some success with
http://www.derailleur.org/xemacs/somecolors.el, but for some reason
the post-mode customizations in that file don't have any effect.  Other color 
e.g. http://www.derailleur.org/xemacs/colors.el and
http://www.derailleur.org/xemacs/morecolors.el, don't seem to work at

xemacs knows it's in a color terminal, and can display colors, for
instance, when I use the M-x customize functions to create the file at
http://www.derailleur.org/xemacs/custom.el .  But many of my favorite
functions are missing -- for instance, syntax highlighting *anywhere*.
I wonder whether maybe syntax highlighting is just turned off by
default in the console, and I have to figure out how to turn it on
somehow?  Or is this perhaps a bug of some kind?  

anyway, going to bed, thanks for the help!!!