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Re: xemacs, color, mail headers....

largely solved! 

On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 11:49:17PM -0200, Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20 2003 at 10:33:42PM BRST, Matt Price <matt.price@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
> wrote:

> > ;; associating mutt with one or another mode
> >  (or (assoc "mutt-" auto-mode-alist) 
> >     (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("mutt-" . mail-mode) auto-mode-alist))) 
>         At least here, the file xemacs actually edits is something like
> "muttasdf", where "asdf" is a random string.
>         So you should actually use something like "/mutt*" instead of
> "mutt-", above.

not here, actually -- all my temp files are mutt-anarres-blablabla, so
this attribution worked.  

in fact (cringe) part of the problem was a typo in the way I invoked
xemacs (as a result of frustration with gnuclient).  I accidentally
included a -q switch, so the init file wasn't being loaded from mutt!

> >   (mail-text) ;;; Jumps to the beginning of the mail text 
> > ) 
>         With the change I suggested above, your code enters mail-mode turn
> on auto-fill and font-lock, but doesn't do mail-text. I tried some custom
> made functions, but none works. I even tried (forward-lines 10) and
> (forward-char-command), and nothing.
>         For some reason, the hook won't execute movement functions. Perhaps
> it's called before the buffer contents are actually available?

well, I have the same experience.  it's a bummer, since this was one
of the features I really like under emacs.    So who knows what to

--> meanwhile...  now  that I seem to actually be able  to start in
mail-mod, mutt-mode, or even my-mutt-mode, as suggested by various
folks, I'm wondering how i can get my old highlighting back.  Using
emacs, I had lovely red highlighting for lines starting with >; now
all of that is gone.  My first thought is to ifnd out where the
font-face definitions for mail-mode were stored in gnu-emacs, and copy
them someohow, or trnaslate them somehow, to my xemacs situation.  But
I don't have any idea how to do that.  Anyone use xemacs in mutt, and
have success with syntax highlighting in mail mode?  

thanks -- y'all have been way helpful so far!!

alles beste,