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Re: mutt just stopped displaying thread characters

On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 01:59:32 at 01:59:32AM -0500, David Yitzchak Cohen 
(lists+mutt_users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

> What do you have charset set to in your Mutt config?

No explicit setting, either in ~/.muttrc or in /etc/Muttrc
> Also, are you sure your UTF is setup correctly for other things?

Good question. Somebody on the Red Hat list asked me to check i18n,
and I found:

[marco@polaris marco]$ more /etc/sysconfig/i18n 
[marco@polaris marco]$ more ~/.i18n

I also found out that ~/.i18n had a change date more or less
corresponding to when this mess started. Unfortunately I can't
remember to have changed it myself, or why. Hence, I have no backup,
or clue as to its previous content, or existence, for that matter.
For the record, changing ~/.i18n to LANG=en_US.UTF-8 makes mutt display
cirumflex lowercase "a" in place of expected dash character "-"

What now? I mean, utf setup does seem to be the problem, not mutt, but
how to fix it?
> > LS_COLORS= [snipped]
> LOL ... why?  Are you afraid that somebody here will steal your
> secret color recipe?

Of course. I have invented a whole new bunch of colors, and patented
them. Real soon now, you'll all be forced to go monochromatic or make
me stinking rich, BUWAHAHAHAHA!!!

I snipped to make the message as short as possible, since that setting
is long and not relevant (it couldn't possibly be, right?)

        Marco Fioretti

Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server inwind.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/

Sometimes when you fill a vacuum, it still sucks.
          -- Bill Joy, founder of Sun Microsystems