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Re: macros in mailboxes view ???

At  1:08 PM PST on November 10 Michael D Schleif sent off:
> Michael Tatge <Michael.Tatge@xxxxxx> [2003:11:10:21:50:06+0100] scribed:
> > * On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 Michael D Schleif (mds@xxxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> > > Please, excuse the lack of appropriate nomenclature.
> > > 
> > > Suppose I am in Mailboxes view:
> > > 
> > >    c ? tab
> > > 
> > > The second column is either blank or `N', indicating whether or not that
> > > mailbox contains _new_ messages.
> > > 
> > > I want a key that will move between _only_ mailboxes with new messages.
> > > Yes, I do not want to highlight mailboxes without new messages.
> > 
> Often, I want a view of all mailboxes with new messages.  Now I navigate
> over *all* mailboxes with <up> and <down> arrow keys, then <enter> on
> that box that piques my curiosity.
> That way can be tedious, and I would like the ability to <tab> -- or,
> some other key -- between mailboxes with new messages.
> Is there macro capability in mailboxes view?

I don't know, but have you tried 

c tab tab


Works for me.
