Re: Macros and Tagged Messages
* Jostein Berntsen <jbernts@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2003-09-11 15:59 +0200]:
> Could you show us the macro so we could check it?
Well, here's its current incarnation. I'd like to put a <delete-message>
at the end, though.
macro index "S" "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><pipe-message>formail -s
spamassassin -d | sa-learn --spam --no-rebuild --mbox
-<enter><enter-command>set wait_key=yes<enter>" "(Re)classify a message as
> > Is this even possible or will I have to wait for Sven's macro language?
> What is Sven's macro language?
One item that Sven has long been a proponent of has been a general macro
language for the mutt config files. No one's written one and no one
probably ever will.
-- contrarian of the first order... /
PGP: 026A27F2 print: D200 5BDB FC4B B24A 9248 9F7A 4322 2D22 026A 27F2
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Another good night not to sleep in a eucalyptus tree.
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